The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) are co-hosting The Stockholm Virtual Forum on Peace and development in the time of COVID-19 (starting 11th of May till 22nd of May)
The 2020 Virtual Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development will provide a forum to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing efforts to sustain peace in the time of COVID-19.
The Forum will bring together humanitarian, development and peacebuilding communities to explore what works to address those key questions:
- What are the central challenges to the multilateral system’s ability to build peace in an increasingly complex geopolitical world order?
- How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted conflict-affected countries, and how can peacebuilding efforts support their recovery?
- How will the multilateral system need to change to prevent further crises, from climate change to violent extremism?
- How can we ensure that human rights are at the centre of our response and increase the inclusion of women in decision making? What is the role of young people in promoting change?
For registration: