Tayseer Abu Odeh
Tayseer Abu Odeh is currently a Section/Editor for Postcolonial Text. As a Jordanian-Palestinian writer, translator, and scholar of Comparative and Postcolonial Studies, he is grappling with the way in which the secular-religious dichotomy is juxtaposed with the various cultural, historical, and literary implications that make up the dynamic categorization of Europe, Islam, Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere. His research interests include exile, World Literature, and Arab Anglophone Literature. Abu Odeh serves currently as an assistant professor of Comparative Literature at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. In 2019, Abu Odeh published his latest piece on The Consolations of Exile in the Arab Institute for Research, Beirut.
Abu Odeh is also a permanent fellow of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research and Sylff Leadership Initiatives. He has been a recipient of Sylff Leadership Initiative (SLI) in 2018, the Outstanding Dissertation Award (Indiana University of Pennsylvanian, 2017), and the IUP Foundation Doctoral Fellowship in 2011.